Do you have a place in your home or yard where you can go to ponder the imponderables? If not, you should.
Mine happens to be a garden tub (it's in the house, not a garden, so why it's called that, I don't know. You tell me...). It has a few plants, lots of candles and oil lamps, plus things of beauty and interest surrounding it. It has a triple gooseneck lamp and an AM/FM Radio/ CD/cassette player a safe distance away on the vanity shelf (out of shot in this picture). I keep pleasant smelling therapy bath stuff of many varieties handy.
When chaos and order both demand too much of my attention, I find it to be a wise idea to sink into aromatic bubbles and water hot enough to boil my weight in lobsters while I listen to some contemplative canyon drum medicine music, old Chinese folk music, Bach fugues, or even Ravi Shankar. I confess Paganini's caprices are kinda chaotic, but I use them to counteract a day that was too tediously regimented.
Nag Champa, balsam pine incense or heated oils help immensely, if the aroma of the bath du jour is not enough. I even have a little book-supporter, in case I wish to read... but more often than not, I just spend the time in idle contemplation, letting the mind wander a bit where it will. It's important enough to let horses do that once in a while, so why not slacken the reins and enjoy the scenery when time allows. If time does not allow, then you must make the time.
When you get so busy that you forego personal thinking time as a mere luxury, you risk losing your perspective. You can't help anyone else if you are in disrepair.
Run a bath and think about that for an hour.