Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Importance of Password Safety


    Even if you already know this stuff, please share it with everyone you know, so that the word on passwords may be spread. Thank you.
    Okay, here I go: About passwords...

    Do any of you find passwords annoying?
    Do you create a password because it is easy to remember?
    Do you use the same password for more than one website?
    Are you kind of unclear as to what makes for a strong password, as opposed to a weak password?
    Do you grant any and all apps access to all your information, without knowing which are trustworthy and which are not?

    If you can answer "yes" to any of these questions, I may have gotten (or may be getting in the future) some form of SPAM from you, that you did not intend to send... and if that is the worst thing that happens, you may consider yourself fortunate. However, far worse things can come of not understanding passwords, their strengths and their weaknesses.

    Some examples of passwords:

    Pathetically & Ridiculously Weak Password........password
    Pathetically Weak Password................................password1
    Ridiculously Weak Password...............................password1234
    Very Weak Password...........................................lee1234

    Weak Password...................................................LeeG1106
    Flimsy Password..................................................LeeGothro2012
    Fair Password......................................................ElOg07192012d
    Strong Password..................................................733d4v1D6o7Hr0
    Really Tough Password.......................................{733}d.&o7hR0~

    Note that the last six examples are all based on my name. Though that becomes less clear, as the passwords get stronger, the Really, Really Tough Password is the one that has absolutely nothing to do with anything about me... my name, my address, my daughter's name, pet's name, my phone number, birthday, graduation date, or any other information that can be remotely tied to me.
   Have a different password for EVERY website and EVERY application that requires one... and make them Really, Really Tough.
    Your information is safer if you have to write them all down in a secret notebook put under lock and key in your house, than if you use a weak password, especially if you use it in more than one place!
    You also PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY by doing so!
    Also (and this is the part that everyone hates), CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS PERIODICALLY. This means like more than twice a year. Once a month is better... but I confess that not even I do that.
    Lastly... if you get some spam from any of those who are in your contact list, LET THEM KNOW ABOUT IT.
    Thank you.