Monday, August 13, 2012


People, young and old, learn best when they wish to learn.
Approval systems do little to change that.
It helps if the young child becomes aware in a home where the other family members read and discourse upon matters curious, but sometimes children respond to other stimuli and get greedy for wanting to acquire knowledge and solve problems.
Unfortunately, most compulsory public educational systems have to adopt a kind of a "one size fits all" attitude to accomodate larger and larger classes.
Kids are often taught through other media that it is cool not to like school and that it is uncool to be too smart an' use beeg woords.
Between that and the official recognition and public stigmatization of various so-called learning disabilities, mental blocks, and blind spots, too many individuals fall outside the scope of optimum effectiveness where motivational strategies and tactics are concerned.
This is not an easy issue to address and, in the current state of compulsory public education, nearly impossible to fix.
Whatever it is that I have went undiagnosed as a child because I was high-energy and high-functioning (and because they had no name for it, beyond telling me... and my folks... that I was talkative, curious, couldn't sit still, creative, imaginative, and with a tremendous potential... if I could only behave and follow the rules). Chances are that my father had it, and his father before him, from what I now know.
I'm glad they couldn't put a name to it. I knew there were things wrong with me... but I slowly found ways to work around the intellectual barriers and discovered alternate methods of doing those things that seemed to come easily to others, but which I had to huff and puff to do.
I told my daughter that whatever it is that she has is similar to what I have. It is part of her. It may cause pain to realize that she cannot do some things in the same way as others may do them, but that she should not worry about putting a name to it, that it is not going away anytime soon, and that she should find the advantages and disadvantages of having it... and therefore use it to the best of her ability.
I tell her that, because it is what I must do every day.

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